A bridge is a structure that is formed to achieve a goal, they can have economic aspirations political, military or personal economically shows the need to bridge the gap, in the transportation of both goods and people in the military are used bridges or mobile platforms in places inaccessible to the passage of troops or military equipment
is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system, while proportional in size on your planet is the largest satellite
Although most of the space that we can see is empty, it is inevitable that we look at those dots that glow. Not that empty space without interest. Simply, the stars stand out.
Galaxies are groups of billions of stars. Our own galaxy, is a typical example. Stars, gas and dust orbiting the center of the galaxy due to the gravitational attraction of all the other stars.
An oasis is a desert place where you can find water and vegetation. They tend to be more or less extensive portions of land fertilized by a water fountain in the middle of the sand.
Avenue is known as an important way of communication within a city or urban settlement.
A mountain is a topographic eminence (ie, natural ground elevation) above 700 m over the base. The mountains are grouped except volcanoes, on ridges or hills.
A spaceship is a vehicle designed for space flight, in which it is played, about the conditions under which man lives on Earth.
A park (French parc) is an area located within a population, which is devoted to grassland, woodland gardens and serving as a place of fun
A planet is, according to the definition adopted by the International Astronomical Union on August 24, 2006, a celestial body that: orbits around a star or the remnant of it.
A desert is a biome that receives little rainfall. They have a reputation for having little life, but that depends on the kind of desert life in many there is abundant vegetation adapts to the low humidity (desert scrub) and fauna usually hide during the day to preserve moisture.
Early childhood education is the name given to the course of study prior to compulsory primary education established in many parts of the world
A forest (from the Germanic word busch: shrub and tree mount extension) or forest (Latin forest) is a vegetation ecosystem where trees are predominant.
A cave or cavern is a natural ground cavity caused by some erosion of streams of water, ice or lava, or less commonly, a combination of several of these factors. In the most common case, the caves are formed by the dissolution of limestone by the slightly acidic water.
village (from the Latin populus) is the set of people in a nation, but also can be understood as part of a country, a region or a town, or even assimilated the very concept of country or locality (especially for rural population).
A river is a natural stream of water flowing continuously. It has a certain flow is rarely constant throughout the year, and empties into the sea, in a lake or another river in this case as a tributary.
chuniza a church school Yomasa
we are in school we walk a bit to the bridge had fun depues see the avenue after spending two blocks down the avenue we turn right walk four blocks and we look to our right we find the church Yomasa
preparation of a pizza
300 g flour
160 g water
5 g of baker's yeast instant
20 g of extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
200 g of tomato sauce
100 g of mozzarella
100 g of cooked ham
In a bowl put all dough ingredients : flour, water, yeast , oil and salt and mix well with a spoon. A pizza dough is like a simple bread . Can be made with any type of flour and the amount of water will be approximately half the flour . If we use a flour with more amount of gluten ( bread flour ) then we will need some more water and if you use a plain flour ( like today ) with half water ( flour) and a little more will be enough.
Then we will amass . If we have a great mixer because we will not have to do much. If we are not the only thing we will do is stretch the dough and pick up with the palm of the hand until a dough that does not stick to your hands or on the table , is a thin, elastic dough . Between 5 and 10 minutes will be more than sufficient . You will not need flouring the table.
Then let fermenting dough covered. The objective is to double the volume . How come when it does ? The answer is simple , if it's cold it will take longer if it's hot . Or conversely , if it is hot take less . The best mass better because the longer they mass develops differently, but with our pizza will give equal uncomplicated . We left it up to twice as continue with the following step.
Now that our mass has grown enough we can continue. We take the mass and desgasificamos , ie knead slightly to return to its initial volume. We can proceed to divide to make smaller pizzas or make one big one. To stretch the stretch uncomplicated as we can with your hands or with a rolling pin , shape is not important, if it goes forward square if you get a round mass great. We'll put the ingredients, tomato first , then the cheese and all the other things we want to add .
THE last step is the oven , and not the least important. With the oven preheated to at least 230 ° C we put the pizza. We can use a stone to the oven or tray . If we stone pizza base will be more crisp but we have to complicate life , are very rich in any tray you have.
Hornearemos for about 8-10 minutes, until lightly browned .
to season
to sharpen
agitar, sacudir
to shake
to add
ahuecar (con cuchara)
to scoop up
to smoke
to knead
aplanar, extender
to roll out
to roast
asar a la parrilla
to broil
asar a la parrilla
to grill
to beat
to whisk
to heat
to cook
cocinar al vapor
to steam
to strain
colocar, poner
to put
combinar, mezclar
to blend
cortar en cubitos
to dice
cortar en tiritas
to cut into strips
to curdle
to cover
dar vuelta
to flip
to decorate
to spill
to melt
to defrost
to bone
to waste
to dilute
to dissolve
doblar, plegar
to fold
to grease
to rinse
to thicken
to squeeze
to fry
to stir
to glaze
guisar, estofar
to stew
to boil
hervir a fuego lento
to simmer
to bake
to liquidize
to fill
to mix
to grind
partir en dos
to halve
to peel
picar carne
to mince
picar, cortar en trozos
to chop
presionar, apretar
to press
quitar, sacar
to remove
to grate
to slice
to coat
to trim
refrigerar, enfriar
to chill
to stir-fry
rellenar, mechar
to stuff
to soak
rociar, salpicar
to sprinkle
to break
to dry
to seal
to serve
to sieve
to emply
volcar, verter
to pour
1. Greg jones tells us about what he will do if aliens come.
a. if/theyinvade us/I/tell them/I can workfor them
If they invade us I will tell them I can work for them
b. If/I/work for them/i/ask/ask them//for a good salary
If I work for them will ask them for a good salary
c. If /they/like my work/ they/ take me / to their planet
If the like my work they will take to me to their planet.
2. Finish the conditional sentences below use the real unreal conditional.
a. I would buy a house if I HAD MONEY
b. If i have time tomorrow, I WOULD GO FOR A LUAK
c. People would belive in aliens if PEOPLE SAW THEM ON THE PLANET.
3. Fill in the blanks with much or very.
a. Airplanes fly VERY fas, but rockets fly MUCH faster than airplanes.
b. Some planets like Jupiter are VERY big.
c.high places are MUCH colder than lower ones.
d. Watching science fiction films is Very entertaining, but
traveling to space is much more exiting.
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